Hello everyone. When I started this blog, my aim was to document and share my experiences of growing vegetables in containers on rooftop. One thing led to the other and soon I started training people in and around Bhubaneswar on growing their own. And soon enough I started getting a lot of request for training and guidance from all over India. As it was not possible to go everywhere and train people I considered doing it through video conferencing. But that did not seem to work out well. The next suggestion from some quarters was to create a video course, but after working on it for some time I realized that it would be very difficult to fit in the content in a one hour video. And hence it finally came down to penning down a book, which I was avoiding because of the amount of effort involved in it. At last it was in December last year when I decided to go ahead. And after more than four months of serious effort the first ever comprehensive book on Organic Urban Farming for Indian context is now ready and available for download.
The book is available as an e-book as of now. I did consider going to a publisher and printing out physical copies. But getting a book published involves huge costs of money and time. In fact a lot more time has to be spent in getting a book printed that writing it down. Hence I decided against it, but in future if there is a demand for the physical copy of the book I may not mind putting in that extra effort to get it published. But as of now the e-book will at least be able to reach those who are connected to the internet.
About my Book on Organic Urban Farming

This book deals with all aspects of setting up your own food garden, running and maintaining it year after year. An entire chapter in this book has been dedicated to designing your garden. A lot of people start their garden without having put any real thought into it. But growing fresh organic vegetables in constrained urban areas needs planning to make everything work together in an efficient manner. In this chapter you learn about all the things you have to consider before starting your garden. The biggest section of the book is dedicated to all the methods and processes of creating and maintaining your garden. It includes topics like garden bed preparation, potting soil preparation, soil management, organic soil conditioners and pest management. In the appendix section there is information on different vegetables and their requirements for container gardening, common pests and their management using simple solutions from your kitchen. The methods are tailor made for urban area and lifestyle. There are some processes which may need ingredients that may not be easily available in urban areas. But such things need to be done once in a while. In some cases alternatives have also been provided. All in all this is a very comprehensive book that will ensure your success in growing your own fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs in the confines of your home year after year.
The book has been priced at Rs 599/-. But right now I am giving it away at a discount of Rs 200/-. So you can purchase the book now at Rs 399/-. This is a limited period offer; hence do hurry if you want to avail the launch offer.
Signing off with some sample pages from the book.

Execellent welcoming effort for the present days.
More enjoyable and useful for elders with little tech exposure is the printed form. Really waiting eagerly for such books
Kamala krishnamurthy
Thank you Kamala. The printed form will take some time if I decide to go ahead with it. But till then you can always download and print this book out.